Botulinum toxin is a neurotoxic protein that causes flaccid paralysis to the muscle being injected. Neurotoxin injections temporarily relax targeted muscles in order to prevent unwanted muscle movement and creasing of the skin. The result is smoother looking skin and a more refreshed appearance.
However, neurotoxin injections do not correct or fill static lines or wrinkles that have become permanent. Routine neurotoxin treatments will help prevent existing wrinkles from becoming permanent and help stop new wrinkles from forming.
If you are interested in Neurotoxin in Des Plaines or have QUESTIONS, Please contact White Pearl Medical Spa.

Neurotoxin can be used for a variety of cosmetic purposes including: temporarily relaxing facial muscles, lip flip, correcting a gummy smile, lifting the nose, and more.
Additionally, it carries practical purposes including assisting with chronic migraines, excessive grinding of the teeth, excessive perspiration, and temporal mandibular joint dysfunction.
Prior To Treatment
- If you can please avoid Advil, Ibuprofen, Aleve, Aspirin, Motrin, Vitamin E, Fish Oil, St. John’s Wort, Garlic and other Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory products 5-7 days prior to treatment. Doing this will help decrease your chance of bruising, but if timing doesn’t work out you can still receive treatment. Not stopping these medications do not prevent us from being able to treat you it just increases your risk for bruising.
- Do not stop taking any medications that have been prescribed to you without first discussing it with your prescribing provider.
- Avoid drinking alcoholic beverages 48-72 hours before treatment to further reduce the chance of bruising.
- Another way to reduce the chance of bruising is to start taking Bromaline and Arnica Tablets 7-10 days before treatment. Take as directed on the bottle. Easily found at any pharmacy as an over the counter product.
- Patients actively undergoing chemotherapy or radiation treatment cannot be treated. Patients must be in remission for 6 months to be treated.
- Please inform your provider of any and all previous treatments, procedures or surgery medical conditions, medications you are taking, skin disorders, allergies, history of anaphylaxis, and any other medical problems.
- Please inform your provider of any and all previous adverse events with previous injection treatments.
Post Treatment
- Do not participate in any strenuous exercise for a minimum 24 hours.
- Do not massage or manipulate injection sites for 24 hours.
- Although unlikely, bruising may occur after injections, and typically resolves within 14 days.
- Allow 14 days for Botox & Dysport to fully set in before judging the final result, even though some benefits are typically seen as early as 24 – 72 hours.
- Avoid make-up for 24 hours unless mineral based.
- You may wash your face as normal but avoid facial brushes for the first 24 hours.
- Botox/Dysport touch-up appointments must be scheduled 14 days post initial injection appointment, and no more than 21 days post appointment. After the 14-21 days window post appointment, the complimentary touch-up will be lost.
Did you know?
Neurotoxins Botox and Dysport are derived from the same protein. Essentially they are the “same.” There are some differences such as Dysport does kick in faster. Both products are very effective. However, some people do develop a preference for one over the other. Each person is different and the answer to which works better varies among people. This is why we carry both. We can help you determine which one is the best for you at your appointment. Both of these products relax muscles and are used to prevent or lessen wrinkles/lines on the face and neck. Botox and Dysport is also used for Hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating) to the under arms, hands and feet. As well as other treatments for Masseters, reduction of gummy smile, bunny lines, pull down of the smile or dimpling in the chin. There are many uses for Botox/Dysport just ask us at your appointment!
How does it work?
Botox and Dysport stop the communication between nerves and muscles. The nerve is no longer able to tell the muscle what to do. Botox and Dysport leave the body rather quickly after being injected. The time you see results is the time it takes the body to re-establish communication between the nerve and muscle again. This is why you see results return gradually over time. It’s not a rapid on/off switch.
When should you start receiving Botox or Dysport?
When wrinkles/lines are present on the face without expression. These are called static lines. Neurotoxin works best as a preventative measure. Prevention is key! There is no specific age to start. It’s like any medicine. If you have the signs and symptoms (lines to your 11’s, forehead and/or around your eyes) then you need the medicine (Botox/Dysport). Your general practitioner doesn’t ask you, your age before giving you high blood pressure medicine if you have high blood pressure. Think about wrinkling up a piece of paper. Once those lines are there they are always there no matter how much you try to smooth out the paper. They may diminish or lessen, but they are still present. The less amount of time you damage your skin the easier it is to get complete correction vs improvement of the lines.
Fun Facts:
Results last 3 months, on average. There are unlucky, average and lucky people. Meaning, some people only see results for 2 months, while others see results for 4 months. This may be due to a number of reasons, such as the individual’s metabolism, medications, etc. Oftentimes, the skin will look better for longer than 3 months. However, we recommend treatment every 3 months so that old wrinkles don’t have time to reform and new ones don’t appear. With continued use people will see that results last longer and less appointments are needed to maintain results.